
使用 FLUX1.Art

In this scene, we see the young goose Honk standing at a high vantage point, earnestly attempting to learn how to fly. Honk's body has grown significantly larger, with its fluffy feathers becoming even more sleek and dense. It spreads its wings and begins to vigorously flap them, trying to take off from the ground. The scene is divided, with the right side showing Honk's powerful wing-flapping, and the left side depicting its mother standing nearby, encouraging and protecting the young goose. The camera quickly follows Honk's movements, using a close-up shot to clearly capture the dynamic details of its wing-flapping attempts. The overall color palette is bright and lively, with soft lighting. Gentle background music plays, creating a hopeful and future-oriented atmosphere. This showcases Honk's confidence and courage as it strives towards its dream of flight.