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Создано с использованием от FLUX1.Art

I. Functional Implementation 1. Voice message recording and sending Microphone permission: Ensure that the application requests and obtains the user's microphone permission. Recording interface: Design an intuitive recording button, long press to start recording, release to send, or provide the option to preview after recording is completed. Voice compression: Use efficient audio coding formats (such as AMR, AAC) to compress voice files, reduce file size, and speed up sending. 2. Voice message reception and playback Message notification: Provide instant notification when a new voice message is received, and highlight it in the chat interface. Playback control: Provide functions such as play, pause, progress bar, volume control, etc., allowing users to adjust the playback speed. Autoplay: Add an autoplay option in the settings to facilitate continuous listening to multiple voice messages. 3. Message status indication Sent: Display a single check mark or other symbol to indicate that the message has been successfully sent to the server. Delivered: Display a double check mark to indicate that the message has been delivered to the other party's device. Read: After the other party listens, the status is updated to read, which can be indicated by different colors or symbols. 4. Custom settings Notification sound: Provide multiple prompt tones for users to choose from, or allow users to use custom ringtones. Playback speed: Provide multiple speed options such as 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x, and 2x in the playback interface. 5. Voice message transcription Voice recognition: Integrate voice recognition API to transcribe voice messages into text, making it convenient to view the content when it is inconvenient to listen to the voice. Accuracy: Optimize the transcription algorithm, improve the recognition accuracy, and support multiple languages and dialects. II. Technical implementation 1. WeChat open platform integration API usage: Use the open API provided by WeChat to achieve association with WeChat accounts and send and receive messages. Authorized login: Use WeChat OAuth2.0 protocol to achieve secure user login and identity authentication. 2. Server architecture High-performance server: Select a server that supports high concurrency to ensure that messages are sent and received within 1 second. CDN acceleration: Use content distribution network to reduce network latency and increase transmission speed. Real-time communication protocol: Use WebSocket or Socket.io to achieve real-time data transmission. 3. Data security and privacy Encrypted transmission: Use HTTPS and SSL/TLS protocols to ensure the security of data during transmission. Data storage: Encrypt and store voice messages to protect user privacy. Permission management: Strictly control user permissions to prevent unauthorized access and data leakage. III. User interface design 1. Comply with WeChat aesthetics Color and font: Use the same color scheme and font style as WeChat. Layout design: Keep the interface simple, follow the interactive logic of WeChat, and reduce the user's learning cost. 2. Interactive elements Button design: The recording and playback buttons should be obvious and easy to use, and use intuitive icons. Animation effects: Add appropriate animations during sending, receiving and playing to enhance the user experience. 3. Adaptability Multi-screen adaptation: Ensure good performance on devices of different sizes and resolutions