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An epic crossover moment between two iconic video game characters, Commander Shepard and Master Chief. Set against the backdrop of a war-torn alien planet, Commander Shepard, wearing the signature N7 armor from the Mass Effect series, stands tall with their trusty omni-blade drawn. On the left, the grizzled human hero holds a firm gaze into the distance, ready to face any threat that comes their way. To the right, Master Chief, the stoic super-soldier from Halo, stands equally vigilant in his green MJOLNIR armor, plasma sword in hand, reflecting the fiery skyline. The two heroes are running at the emeney front against a common enemy that lies just outside the frame. The scene is bathed in the stark contrast of blue and orange hues, with the blue glow of Shepard's biotic powers mixing with the warm light from Chief's energy shield. The ground beneath them is scarred with the debris of a massive battle, with remnants of both Covenant and Reaper technology scattered around. Above, a Reap