In a vibrant 3D animated spring garden, a young woman and her dog Kiki joyfully run through colorful flower fields. Kiki, a medium-sized mixed breed, has beautiful orange and ginger fur with brown patches on her back and tail, and a cream-colored tail tip. Her soft, fluffy medium-length coat flows in the breeze as she runs. Kiki's large, upright ears with pink insides perk up, and her big round brown eyes shine with curiosity and happiness. Her mouth is slightly open, revealing a playful tongue, embodying her gentle and friendly nature. Cherry blossom petals dance in the air, creating a magical atmosphere. The camera follows their energetic movement, capturing the dynamic scene with smooth tracking shots. Warm, golden sunlight bathes the scene, highlighting the vibrant colors of the flowers and Kiki's fur. The mood is lighthearted and full of spring joy, with cheerful background music, the sound of running footsteps, and Kiki's occasional excited barks adding to the lively ambiance.